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Binny Eats Potato Salad, Not Plastic!

Binny, the official Livermore Recycles mascot, loves it when you compost and recycle!


Here are Binny's current favorites. You can view all Livermore Recycles videos on our YouTube channel.

Raw, Cooked & Rotten! (30 seconds)

See ALL the food scraps that go in the Organics cart.

¡Crudo, cocido y podrido! (30 segundos en espanol)

¡Es fácil alimentar a Binny! ¡Simplemente recuerda CRUDO, COCIDO y PODRIDO!

Raw, Cooked and Rotten! (60 seconds)

Binny the Green Organics Cart loves all food scraps. (60 sec)

Tips for your fridge cleanout

Binny the Green Organics Cart gives tips on when to toss, wipe and rinse.

Invite your Green Cart to Dinner

See what happens when Binny comes over for pizza!

Take-Out Two-Step

Learn how to sort fast food packaging, fast!

Binny and Loretta interview - episode 1

Binny the Green cart and guests discuss best ways that Livermore residents can compost food waste and food soiled paper.

Livermore Recycles Episode 2

Loretta Livermore, resident Judy Bugas and Binny show us how easy it is to compost food scraps.


See a quick run-down of what goes in your Recycling Cart.


Compost and Recycling Law

Attention Residents:  Compost and Recycling Law Effective January 1, 2022, California state law (SB 1383) requires that compostable materials be kept out of landfills—including food

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compost giveaway april 14

Compost Giveaway on April 13th!

All the food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard waste that you place in Binny get processed into rich compost. (Go to the Organics page to see

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shred event

Community Shred Event on January 27!

Community Shredding Event 2024 Saturday, January 27, 2024 8:00 am-12:00 pm Livermore City Hall Parking Lot 1052 S. Livermore Ave. Livermore residents (ID required) may

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